mercredi 29 juin 2016

ICE 2016, XXV Congrès international d'entomologie

Orlando, Florida, USA

IOBC-Global will be sponsoring four biological control symposia at the International Congress of Entomology.
  • Biological Control Under Climate Change
    Convener: Jianqing Ding (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
  • Prospects and Challenges for Biocontrol of Disease Vectors
    Convener: Matthew Thomas (Penn State University, USA)
  • Status and Prospects for Biological Control in the 21st Century
    Conveners: Russell Messing (University of Hawaii, USA) and Jacques Brodeur (University of Montreal, Canada)
  • Zoophytophagous Arthropods in Biological Control
    Conveners: Josep A. Jaques (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) and Alberto Urbaneja (Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research, Spain)

For more information on other biocontrol-related talks, see the full list of symposia here:


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