mercredi 29 juin 2016

8ème séminaire scientifique international sur la santé des végétaux

The Plant Health Research Institute and the Plant Health National Center of belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture are pleased to invite you to the 8th International Scientific Seminar on Plant Health, for Cuban agriculture transition to sustainability, which will be held from April 10th to 14th, at the Havana International Conference Center, Cuba.

As in earlier issues, this seminar is considered as a comprehensive and perfect setting for debating innovative insights and scientific outcomes on dissimilar topics related to plant health. 

Professors, researchers, undergraduate students, businessmen, officials and executives linked with farming teaching, research, service and marketing will have the opportunity to share results, experiences and demands, as well as reflect on the future of plant health for the transition to a sustainable and resilient agriculture, among other current topics.
A trade fair will be conducted so as to promote technology and product, as well as identify future interests for innovation and business cooperation.


 Download: Frist Announcement (pdf) in Spanish & English


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