dimanche 23 août 2015

22nd Conference on Applied Climatology : Earth System Science in Service to Society

New Orleans 10-14 January 2016

 American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting


The theme for the 2016 American Meteorological Society (AMS) AMS Annual Meeting, “Earth System Science in Service to Society”, weaves the many parts of AMS into a common core. Emphasizing the academic and research strength of AMS, the theme also connects that research to the benefits that society gains from our science. AMS merges the physical, chemical, and biological study of the Earth with human-centered “domains of action” : (1) Observing, (2) Analysis and research leading to understanding, (3) Modeling and prediction, and (4) Social sciences – how people deal with Earth. “Service to Society” explicitly evokes the integrated and complementary government and commercial enterprise that the AMS has done so much to foster over the last decade. The 2016 meeting integrates AMS’ proud, nearly 100-year history of making a positive difference in the lives of our citizens by continually communicating the advances of its science research to the public and policy makers.

As always, papers on traditional topics in applied climatology are sought, including, but not limited to : •Data quality and climate data sets •Links between climate and weather •Sectoral-based science and adaptation (including ecosystems, natural resources, agriculture, energy, coastal, and human systems), •Effective climate services (including assessment of science, product, and service needs, assessment of impacts, and communication of climate science), •Drought monitoring, prediction, and impacts.

Pour en savoir plus

Source:  http://www.secheresse.info/

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